Questions to Stop Asking Your Twenty-Something Coworker

What are your hobbies? / What do you like to do in your spare time?

It’s a fan-favorite in interviews, but will occasionally come in up in general office banter. This question takes a close second to “so, why are you single?” for my least favorite question of all time.  First of all, what is spare time?  I don’t know what that is…? I’m genuinely confused on how so many people have children…Most days I’m barely functioning past 7pm, so I can’t imagine coming home to someone who needs me to like, feed them or something. But on days where I manage to find a free hour that doesn’t involve sleeping, working, eating, or working out (NOT to be confused for a hobby), it usually DOES involve large amounts of pinot noir and E! Network. I mean, you can’t really expect me to answer this question honestly.  So I have to give a watered-down PG version that sounds something like:

“Um, I like to read my twitter feed…and books 12 years below my reading level like The Hunger Games, I like to meet new people at the club after 4 vodka sodas, and I enjoy traveling to the mall and spending money I don’t have… just normal stuff I guess!

Got any plans this weekend?

My weekend typically goes one of two ways.  It’s kind of like a “choose your own adventure” novel. I either take the anti-social route, or the social-butterfly route. It generally depends on a few key factors like weather, potential amount of fun, whether or not I’ll have to wear heels, level of exhaustion, etc. Either way, to talk about it with you would be uncomfortable.  There’s a 50% chance I watched the entire season of some show you’ve never heard of, only leaving the couch for the occasional snack. I’m not proud of it, but it happens. If I opted to throw caution to the wind, and embrace my youth… I probably abused my liver. Definitely NSFW.  So each week I’m usually forced to say something like “no plans yet.”  You definitely think I’m sort of weird cat lady, but it’s just safer this way.

What’s the point of Instagram (or any social media site)?

I can’t help you.  If you have to ask, it’s too late for you.  I commend you for trying, but there is not enough time in a day.

What are you working on right now?

This is a trap. To answer it would require me to reveal that I have no idea what I’m doing. It’s best to be as vague as possible and throw in some corporate buzzwords (or your industries’ equivalent).  My personal favorites are: “synergy”, “move the needle”,  and “game changer.” Works like a charm.

My computer’s not working, what’s wrong with it?

They don’t pay me enough for this.

20: The New Toddler.

Each morning I wake up slightly dumber than I was the day before.  It’s happening to all of us. It’s an epidemic. Or a pandemic? I don’t remember the difference. You don’t either. SEE?!  We’re dumb.

For years we’ve believed that we gain intelligence as we age… that’s just how it goes, right? Nope.

Theory: You are your least intelligent in your mid-twenties. You are no longer as sharp as when you dedicated eight hours of your day to learning, and you’re not old enough yet to impart any sort of wisdom on anyone.  Essentially, this is how life goes:

0-5 years old: Be cute, and people will love you.

6-18 years old: Recite some Shakespeare or a couple of periodic elements, and people will be proud of you.

19-22ish years old: Have some beer, and people will like you.


30+ years old:  Say whatever you want, and people will believe you. 

If you have doubts, my twentysomething friends, that we are the dumbest creatures on planet Earth, take some examples from my personal life:

  • There was once a time that I could use something called the Pythagorean theorem (yeah, idk?!), and now I can’t even calculate a 20% tip for the Pizza Hut guy without whipping out my tip calculator app. #idiot
  • In grade school, I was able to recite all 50 state capitals from memory… It recently took me twenty minutes to remember my SnapChat password. #idiot
  • I used to write 10 page papers, no problem…Today I went to draft an email and I couldn’t even form words. What’s the past tense of reach? Reached?  Why does that sound funny? The past tense of teach is taught, so the past tense of reach is probably raught, right? Wrong. If it weren’t for spell check, I would’ve been fired months ago. #idiot
  • AND, apparently your emotional intelligence goes all Benjamin Button too… Last month my dvr didn’t record Scandal, and I cried.  Like actual tears.  I got so worked up that I almost forgot I could watch it on-demand. Tears continued to flow the entire episode. #idiot
  • I can no longer dress myself.  I can’t seem to figure out what is an appropriate outfit choice for each of the occasions in my life.  Like, I understand that leggings at work are generally a no-go, but like am I supposed to be in “real-person clothes” when I go the grocery store? The dentist? Ugh. Do I need to have a pair of khakis in my wardrobe? I hate khakis. Does adulthood = owning khakis? #idiot


Plus, it’s not unusual for me to look like this after a meal. #idiot


Hey #idiots, I’m on that twitter thing: @20_nothings #chirpchirp

A Christmas Wish List for Twentysomethings

Dear Santa,

It’s been a few years since we last spoke (thanks again for the Razor Scooter…Christmas 2001 was LEGIT), but this year I have some different things in mind.  Please take notes:

  1. Unlimited cell phone upgrades. Asking a friend to borrow an iPhone charger just to realize that my janky iPhone 4 isn’t compatible with the new chargers is one of the more shameful experiences I’ve had in my adult life.  I might as well have a flip phone.  iNeed a new one, like yesterday.
  2. An Instagram filter that actually makes you look better… “Kelvin” makes me look like I’m on fire, “Amaro” washes me out, and we both know I’m not quite pretty enough to be on Team #NoFilter.
  3. An easy-to-administer gluten intolerance test.  If I have to listen to one more friend say: “like, I’ve been cutting back on gluten, and I feel sooo much better, you should try it!”…I’m gonna lose it.  Girl, I know what you ordered at dinner last night; Newsflash, fettuccine alfredo ain’t gluten-free. Hush.
  4. A dozen cronuts. Is it a croissant? Is it a donut? Is it in my mouth? No, but it needs to be.  Gotta see if it’s worth the hype.
  5. Another season of Breaking Bad. I just miss them so much.
  6. A phone setting that asks “are you sure you want to send that?” before each text.  And an alert that reminds you that your Mom has a Facebook before you share photos, ugh.
  7. A boyfriend. (Worth a shot.)  I heard Ryan Gosling was available?
  8. Drinks that cost less than $8.
  9. More emojis. Recommendations: black people, gay people, a shot glass— Santa, the options are endless, go crazy. (But it is kinda weird that you get your own emoji, and black people don’t have one… )
  10.  Netflix. Always Netflix.

Daily Battles I Lose to Myself

Me vs. Elliptical Machine


6:01 AM: “Wow, just enough time to get a quick workout in. Nice!”

6:03 AM: “On second thought, how about, no…”  [Rolls over.]

Me vs. Snooze Button


6:06 AM: “Shut up.”  [Hits snooze]

6:45 AM: “Mmm probably should get up.”

7:15 AM:  [Gets up.]

Me vs. Facebook

Bob posted: “She said yes!”


Jim posted: “She said yes!”

Mark posted: “She said yes!”

John posted: “She said yes!”


Pretends to hate the engagement rings for the next three hours.

Me vs. Being an Adult

Starts to Google “healthcare reform”


Gets distracted by Corgi videos for the next 45 minutes.

Me vs. Dinner

“Okay, let’s see… which Pinterest creation shall I make tonight: Crock-pot Truffle Mac or Gluten-Free Spinach & Artichoke Pizza?”


Microwave beeps, pulls back film on Lean Cuisine.

Me vs. The Bars

6:00 PM: “Woo Friday!”


9:00 PM:
